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Brownstone Gardens

Wedding Venue

January 26, 2015

We picked our venue! AND we have a date!!! YAY!

No one tells you the stress that is finding a venue and setting a date. Especially when so many proposals take place over the holidays and everyone who wants an outdoor wedding and doesn’t want to plan for almost two years is scrambling to find something amongst what is left from everything that has already been picked over.

We were looking for certain qualities:

– We wanted it to be completely outdoors

– We were looking for something unique, I had my preferences towards a garden, something not too small, where people wouldn’t feel confined to one area the entire time.

– We wanted to be able to host people and have interesting things for them to do in their spare time. Since a lot of Andrew’s childhood friends live in San Diego we didn’t want them to have to spend time in the middle of nowhere with nothing interesting to do during the downtime.

– We wanted an experience rather than an event for a few hours that people had to attend

– We also didn’t want to have strict time guidelines. A lot of places require you to have your last dance at 8:30/9:30 and be cleaned up and out of there in 30 minutes. This seemed less than ideal for us.

Here are the venues we physically looked at (I emailed probably no short of 50 different places looking for something that would work for us)

– Brownstone Gardens – Beautiful but it is in Oakley which made a little random of a location for us to share with our out-of-town guests

Brownstone Gardens

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– Nestldown – AMAZING but pricy and with quite a few restrictions on timing and vendor choices etc.


– Sand Rock Farm

– Park Winters – Winner Winner! I was ALMOST not even going to visit this one. It’s a little far from our house but we happened to go to Tahoe this particular weekend so we just made a detour. – So thankful we did. 🙂

– Regale Winery


– Mountain Terrace

– Camp Kennolyn – We loved the experience that came with this because your entire party can stay on the grounds of the summer camp, unfortunately, we would have to guarantee that our guests would use at least 25 of the rooms which we just couldn’t promise. Honestly, with these last two I was pretty checked out because I was already so confident with our choice.

I will write a more detailed post about the venue later on but I just wanted to share with everyone that cares to read our blog that we are so excited and couldn’t be more happy to share our date with you!

8.7.15 <3