Five Months Old

September 12, 2017

What a easy going happy baby you are. This was literally the first picture I took and it embodies who you are perfectly. You are a great traveler. You have pretty much mastered sitting and rolling every way and you are starting to scoot around. You’re never quite where I put you down.
You have been experimenting with all kinds of food and are soaking in everything like a cute little sponge. (Who knew you could describe a sponge as cute?) How lucky I am to be your mama. Simply saying “I love you” is an understatement. 

By five months Eloise started to eat all sorts of food since her four month check up. She got her passport for our upcoming trip, went into Lake Tahoe for the first time, and we spent two evenings apart but she was a champ for Grandma! She has been sucking her toes and giggling more and more.

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